Wednesday, March 24, 2010

July 2009

Me with my mom July 2009

Me with my dad July 2009

My beautiful niece and gorgeous nephew

                                                      October 2009


Ed, Francis, and Ben Jones

                                                             Ben is my dad

Grandpa Jewell and Leah Jones

My kids in 2009


Rose, Eva, Amelia and John Perla

Village in Provatina Yugoslavia

Photo above is John or Joseph Miljavac, believed to be  nephew of Amelia Miljavac Perla.


My grandpa Joe Koran

My mother

Kathryn Koran at age 4 Utah, and age 35.

July 1946

Joseph Perla holding Tom Koran


My grandfather Joe Koran's best friend Benny. I have no last name on him at this point.

Great Grand ma Amelia Miljavac Perla

Amelia Perla on left side, unknown next to her.

Aunt Eva Perla

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My great grandparents and oldest brother. Price City Cemetary , Utah

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I am not sure what is written on the back of this photo. It is in Slavic.  It was sent from Yugoslavia to my Great grandparents.  I tried to translate it and all that made sense was Karle is going to Ivana Bozica wedding.  ~~No clue at this time who is in the photo.~~


My Great-Grandparents

John and Amelia PERLA

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I found this recipe in a cookbook I found and had to try it...
It is called                 APPLES and ONIONS
                                 An old time recipe by Laura Ingalls Wilder

 Its very easy to make and very good.

                              4-6 apples unpealed sliced
                               about a pound bacon chopped
                              1-2 onions sliced
                              1/4 C brown sugar
        In a skillet heat about 2 tbs oil. On medium heat ... in layers ~Add in onion slices, cover with apples, top with brown sugar . Stir only to keep from burning, cook until onions tender. Stir and serve warm.
My great-great-great grandpa Benjamin Jones Garlough Cemetary Pitkin Ohio
MY great greatgrandfather Garlough Cemetary Pitkin Ohio
Benjamin Jones was married to Miriam Russ, she was killed by indians. Her grave is next to his, but the stone was broken and had been removed.

Wordless Wednesdays

I realize today is Wednesday but I just had to update a couple things. I do have alot of information on each side of my family, and I am trying to organize it . I promise it will be on here, I just want to make sure it looks good before I post it all. I ask for patients, as I am still going thru all the items I have . And I promise I will start doing better on here. At the moment I am going over the pedigree/family charts I have , and processing a way to post them where they are more viewable.
Also I ask any and all of you with more information, photos, stories, anything, to please let me know and I will add them as well.
Thank you

Wordless Wednesdays

Thomas Benjamin Jones home from bootcamp USMC, with is mom Joyce and dad Jewell
Thomas B Jones returning from USMC boot camp

My dad Thomas B Jones

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thingy Thursday

This picture is of Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind" also drawn by me ~Theresa~ by looking at a photo.

Thingy Thursday

This picture of John Wayne, was drawn by me~Theresa~ several years ago, just by looking at a photo.

Thingy Thursday

The "redneck backscratcher" made by my son Sage.. Backscratcher is made of: 1 ruler, 1 pencil, Some string. 2009

Thingy Thursday

I found this drawing online. It was done by Tina Foote.

Thingy Thursday

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesdays

                                                       Helen Marie, and John Charles TOKE

Wordless Wednesdays

Marty Rohrbach and Steve Toke, Steve is Joseph Korans brother. The little girl is Jackie, but dont have a last name.

Wordless Wednesdays

Marty and Ann (Koran) Rohrbach. Ann is sister to Joseph A Koran.

Wordless Wednesdays

                                                           My dad Thomas B. (Ben) Jones

Wordless Wednesdays

Benjamin and Sarah (Foote)Jones my great grand parents

Wordless Wednesdays

 My grand parents Jewell and Leah Jones. Huntington utah. Some knew Jewell as "UNCLE DUDE" .

Wordless Wednesdays

Joseph A Koran. Taken in Italy 1944. Looking across the ocean thinking of Rose.

Wordless Wednesdays

Rose Koran and her father John Perla, Price Utah. Photo location is at building site of Frank Perla's home. Frank is Rose's brother.

Wordless Wednesdays

            Annie Peczuh, Rose Koran, Mary Peczuh~ 3 Perla Sisters