Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jones family reunion 2010

 This years reunion was touching to me. I had gotten my dad Ben to agree to attend.
My dad hadn't seen his family in several years. IN fact I had only met few relatives
a couple times in my life... Until I got an invitation to last years reunion. At which
everyone had asked where dad was... I told them he couldn't be there. The fact was,
and i dont know all the details, there had been a falling out years ago, due to a woman
my grandfather married... From the sounds of it she hadn't been very nice at all.
 This year, my dad came to Huntington Utah with me, where he grew up, it took a bit to
find just where we needed to be, luckily I recognized Lenna from last year. As dad
stepped out of my car she said "I just KNOW you have to be a Jones boy! Look at you"
I smiled and said hello, and she looked at me, then at my dad.... "Ben? BENNY!!!!" Lenna
was excited. Big hugs.. We walked in and only a few were there at the time.
 In uncle Petes letters he talked about how wonderful it would be to see Ben again, and
he missed him very much. When I had responded to that letter I wasn't sure if dad would
be there... Dad stepped into another room in the building we were in, and as he did I saw
Uncle Pete and Aunt Jean walk in, I walked quickly over to give hugs and hellos.
 After a minute or so I was asked about my dad being there, but before I could say
anything, Uncle Pete's eyes lifted at the sight of my dad walking up to us. He got the biggest
smile, oh he was so happy to see my dad, I thought he was going to jump up and down. !!
A short time later cousin Dixie walked in, this is the first time i had met her. She is also a very
warm and welcoming person, very sweet. She saw my dad and was so happy she had tears
streaming down her face. It was very touching..... And a bit sad for me, to see how much they
loved and missed my dad. And to see what a wonderful family I had and never got the chance to know.
 Well, I have that chance now to make up what I can. And I will take every oppertunuty to
keep in touch, visit, and attend future reunions.

Jones Reunion 2010

My great grandparents Benjamin and Sarah Frances (Foote) Jones

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How Takoobuddy got her name

It seems to have become tradition in our family to have a grandmother with a unique nick name.....
My grandmother Rose Koran, is called Takoobudy. (talk-o-buddy). The reason being as i was told by my mom Kathryn, is because when my older brother, Tommy, was learning to talk, his word for grandma came out as "TALK" (never figured out why, i just always figured he was a dork. ha ha ) One day Tom, called to her, asking for a cookie or something, then he said Talk oh buddy Pleeeeease. And the name just stuck.
 My mother got her nick name , Zena, from my son, Sage, while watching his favorite t.v. show at the time....
ZENA: Princess Warrior  (it's like the Hurculis stories-Mythical). They would often have sword fights together.

The baby

During a visit last summer to Utah, my mom took me around to see where my grandparents lived in Kenilworth. Still with very little to the town there seemed to be tons of memories, and alot of history to learn.
 Papa and Takoobuddy, (Joe and Rose Koran), were married in Kenilworth, and had a very small living area. Papa Joe worked in the mine there and lived in the housing provided by the company. I got to see the "SCRIPT store" they were to do the shopping at. Script was something this coal company provided instead of direct pay we know today. Out side this store was a bulletin board, with message's and daily work schedule to see if you were on shift that day or not...... The story I am about to repeat here came from my grandmother, Rose.... "Your uncle Tom was born in the hospital in Kenilworth, did you know that?" I said yes, mom told me of that and showed me the building the hospital was, which is now a house. She got a sad look on her face and said, "When I was a little girl, not very old at all, my mom was going to have another baby... She was too weak to go to the hospital and sent dad to get the doctor. At the time, the doctor was at his house so my dad went there to find him. And when he told the doctor a baby was about to be born, and needed to come quick, the doctor asked my dad if he was working that day. When dad said 'no,not today.'
 That stupid doctor told him, You go home and help your wife, I will not help you if you are not working.
"Well, the baby died, it was so tiny it could fit in my hands. We couldn't even give it a proper grave, so my dad took the baby and buried it in with my uncle Pete. I still hate that doctor for that!....(pause) I don't know what happened to him , he left to somewhere, I dont' know where he went----TO HELL PROBABLY!!!"
  My eyes got huge, I could not ever imagine those words from my grandma, as angry as I had seen her before, she never said anything like that about anyone in front of me before.

Swimming lessons

I recently spoke with my grandmother Rose (Perla) Koran, she was in the hospital with pneumonia at the time. During our visit my kids , Sage and Macie, went back to the hotel to go swimming. My grandma, who we call Takoobuddy, asked me if I was going too. I told her I haven't learned to swim. She admitted she couldn't either. But she remembers one day of long ago and wanted to tell me the story...
  "When we were kids, both mom and dad knew how to swim. They wanted all of us to learn, but we didn't want to. One day we went out on a boat for the day , when my mother stood up and put her arms out , and tilted side to side making the boat rock so much that all us kids fell into the water! My mom laughed and laughed.  And we needed to figure out how to get to the side or back in the boat... I hated that, and would never go on a boat again."