Thursday, June 10, 2010

Swimming lessons

I recently spoke with my grandmother Rose (Perla) Koran, she was in the hospital with pneumonia at the time. During our visit my kids , Sage and Macie, went back to the hotel to go swimming. My grandma, who we call Takoobuddy, asked me if I was going too. I told her I haven't learned to swim. She admitted she couldn't either. But she remembers one day of long ago and wanted to tell me the story...
  "When we were kids, both mom and dad knew how to swim. They wanted all of us to learn, but we didn't want to. One day we went out on a boat for the day , when my mother stood up and put her arms out , and tilted side to side making the boat rock so much that all us kids fell into the water! My mom laughed and laughed.  And we needed to figure out how to get to the side or back in the boat... I hated that, and would never go on a boat again."  

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