Thursday, June 10, 2010

How Takoobuddy got her name

It seems to have become tradition in our family to have a grandmother with a unique nick name.....
My grandmother Rose Koran, is called Takoobudy. (talk-o-buddy). The reason being as i was told by my mom Kathryn, is because when my older brother, Tommy, was learning to talk, his word for grandma came out as "TALK" (never figured out why, i just always figured he was a dork. ha ha ) One day Tom, called to her, asking for a cookie or something, then he said Talk oh buddy Pleeeeease. And the name just stuck.
 My mother got her nick name , Zena, from my son, Sage, while watching his favorite t.v. show at the time....
ZENA: Princess Warrior  (it's like the Hurculis stories-Mythical). They would often have sword fights together.

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